Friday, January 12, 2007

initiation day!


yo yo yo!
lets see what happened today(:
first of all,
waited with birdy at the escalator for yongquan and mingli and jingyi.
and yongquan calls us in funny names.

himself: quanz
mingli: mingz
me: vienz
bird: birdz.

okay thats lame lar i know.
but he created it.
so hmm(:
then we were quite late.
and the stairs at upper sec block were JAMMED?
like for fifteen minutes?
mr chua was super pissed olright.
hmm and today is BB day!

then we returned to class.
and jonneh started telling us lame jokes.
it was totally cold yeh jonneh?
but he's so funny!
and today's PE was torture at first.
followed by captains ball!

mr lim is definitely stricter than mr tong.
and his PE is tough okay.
pumpings and leg-raisers and that last one i forgotten what its called.
and we played the money game.
each girl is worth 50cents.
each boy, $1.
then we had to get together to make up this certain amount that mr lim says!
isnt that so cool!?

then i cant rmbr much.
and it was npcc.
had initiation day.
gotta go down to 85 to get some stuff.
and thanks wenyong! for going down with us!
despite the heavy rain(:
thanks alot!!!
and the umbrella seriously wasnt of any help.
so yeah.
we were soaking wet.

bought four dollars worth of mealworms.
and a pack of ice.
super heavy olright.
those mealworms were disgusting okay?
not to mention that they are EXPENSIVE.
okay then we proceeded with the game.

weiting and i were in charge of station two.
which is the one outside 2L.
in the rain.
and it was SUPER DE DUPER COLD okay.
but it was fun playing in the rain(:
and they got water bombed!
so sad we didnt get to hear the sec one intro.
cos' we were busy setting up the station.

so we had loads of fun.
but ended up feeling rather sick.
cos' of the rain.
and its cold.
but it was fun afterall!
and i hope the sec ones enjoyed it.
it was effort put in.
so its up to them whether they enjoyed it!


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