Monday, September 03, 2007

From DebraT :}


ohkay :} i'm doing maths halfway until i stumbled upon debra TONG'z blog :} & yes, i'm gonna do this :D

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.

1. My fellow 29/-er :}
2. Burp loudly on bus 29 :D
3. Red HOTTT!
4. Always being there for me.
5. Topshop :\
6. Crazy frog.
7. Why do you look good in everything?
8. You already have it :D

1. Horny thing :D
2. Go ask Mr Lim for stead.
3. Black :D (Even Debs says that :D)
4. We're full of shits :D
5. Crazyyyyy!
6. A soaring bird. LOL.
7. Where did you get all those interesting knowledge from!
8. Yeap Yeap :D

Weiting :D
1. My darling NPCC/best/crazy/outing girlfriend :D
2. Ask your dad to play chess with mine! :DD
3. Yellow, cos' you're so happy all the time :}
4. My great listening ear :D
5. Cute, & bubbly.
6. Piggggg. LOL.
7. Why do we click so well?
8. Yes!

1. NPCC mate/Great money-maker!
2. Go steamboat with me again & we eat all the meat available :D
3. BLUE :D i have no idea why, but yeah, blue!
4. Have a happy go lucky perpective towards life, good good :D
5. Cold cold one :D
6. Flamingo, cos' you're tall :D Or maybe kangaroo?!
7. Why are you so tall?

Tan Ming Li :D
1. Little Miss Late :D
2. Be early for once, please?
3. Green!
4. Make fun of anything that comes into your way.
5. Crazy/Noisy.
6. Bee. i dont know!
7. Why don't you wake up earlier to catch an earlier train?
8. Do it babeh.

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