Thursday, January 08, 2009

Non-Stop Action.

8th January 2009

Okay, I sincerely hope everyone's having a fine time tuning back to the school cycle & departed from holiday mode. But lolz, I think everyone is pretty much forced to detach from the "I-Have-Nothing-To-Do" period. Life is crazy now, events & homeworks are starting to engulf me like waves. Ballet, school, NP, ballet, school, tuition, NP. Life is pretty much a regular cycle, but we learn to live with it.

Yohana snapped during orientation rehearsal.

Nonetheless, I am caught in a whirlpool of emotions :D :( :P :@ :) :\ D: >:(

I had coaching class today so I rushed down to Tampines Mall after school. Nope, time does not entitle me to stop & breathe.

I was at the brink of tears on the way home today on the bus talking to Reina (眼泪快要渗出来).

Miss Shyamala dropped the bomb today, some blabbermouth must have opened her trap & told Miss Shyamala about our plans after Grade 8 but then again, it doesn't matter since I've got to tell her what are my plans eventually.

Only ChenNing & I were present so she questioned us about what's gonna happen after we finish Grade 8. I told her I would like to join SBA & ChenNing asked if she's about to open Advance class. I reckon Miss Shyamala would have heard about our plans by now.

In the midst of stretching, Miss Shyamala said something that thugged my heart, painfully. I swear I could almost cry.

"So I'm not good enough, is it?"
"No, its not that, don't get me wrong."
"Then why do you want to leave?"
"I want to experience a new environment, & more opportunities."

Nope, she didn't sound anywhere near convincing & that was when I realised that it was actually disappointment she was feeling. I couldn't concentrate anymore on my stretching after that but I put in my best in my performance the rest of the lesson.

If I haven't met Miss Shyamala, who would have moulded me into who I am now? If it wasn't for her, how else would I know there is actually more than just the small class we attend every week? How else would I even know there was such a thing as ballet?

I am going to work extra extra hard for the sake of Miss Shyamala in my next exam & subsequently for my other exams, just so she knows that she played a major part in my dance life :D

I am so sorry.

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