Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Screwed up.


Weiting & me in TM's toilet :D

me: let me tell you a butter joke.
you: okay.
me: nah, forget it. i'm afraid you go spread it.
(as told by weiting which was told by xinting which was told by her senior.)

hey :D gosh weiting just sent me some pictures and it took me like forever to accept them from her. okay i hope you guys are still alright after reading that joke :D okay it will take me forever to load all the pics up as well so i guess i'll just upload this. im desperately looking for shirts online but i just couldn't find one that is of my liking :D & for goodness sake school is like crap, putting our english enrichment thing in the blank space tmr before school. its like a rare time we get to wake up later due to no common test and now they chuck like this stupid assy thing into the timetable and charge us like $25 or something.

okay rockclimbing was alright, just that we had no time to really go through everything on monday. its like one hour trip to reach west coast recreation center and another one hour back. thank goodness there was a Jack's place there. bought myself a piece of chocolate mousse cake. hope to start climbing next week though. and everything costs like a bomb in school. ergh wdv.

there was this very loud lightning that give me hell of a shock today. and there's a henna drawing on my hand. stinks like crap omg. hahha :D and i'm crazy over tunics. hope to find a reasonable one soon :\ and sch's like so boring. mr lim stormed into class today, and didn't do much of teaching. rachel had dancefuzion today. weiting and i waited for her. and we sneaked food into the library, trying to shun away from the librairian. ha! :D pro, hiding the packet under the very helpful english blue file. alright, what's with the random post! :D post again soon :D

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