Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A sudden urge to post.


A jumping dog.

See, told you I'm addicted. I have this sudden urge to post again. Wait, hold on. I'm looking for inspirations. Okay here's something. I'm talking to RachelY about taking photographs. & we both agreed that taking a "jumping" photo can be really tedious. Firstly, its extremely hard to get your hair flying the correct direction without covering your beautiful face. If it gets into your mouth or something, I'm pretty sure you'll just discard that photograph, or we can all call it natural photo :D Secondly, usually cameras have really slow reaction time so I believe we must be really prompt in pressing the shutter. & we'll most probably get this blurry image of yourself in this awkward "oh-no-i'm-gonna-fall" position. It requires high amount of experience & skill to take good photographs, including a good camera, that is. Maybe we should just take silhouettes of ourselves jumping. Hahah :D Then we can't see the face.

I think those Nikon big black ones that comes with tripod is really cool. Maybe I shall start saving up for one. I think it costs a bomb.

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