Sunday, July 20, 2008

3 Hours

20th July 2008

Hello, just got back from 3 hours of ballet. Intermediate, Grade 7, then Intermediate again. So the cycle goes on every week till the final showdown - Exam. Stayed back after Grade 8 class (which was spent doing Intermediate) to join the Grade 7 class. I'm currently feeling remorseful for taking up their space for their dancework cos' we weren't suppose to be there to do their Grade 7 stuff. We were only suppose to join in when Miss Shyamala wanted us to do Intermediate. But anyhow, I hope we were a little bit of help cos' Miss Shyamala couldn't remember the Grade 7 syllabus steps anyway.

Doing the classical dance for Grade 7 was such an enlightenment. Euphoria as I danced my way through it. Felt the past flowing through me. Although I must say I forgot some of the steps. But it was good cos' once I heard the music everything came right fluid again. Can't wait for the next class. Wednesday. Gotta rush from school off to studio for self-dancing :D

Pictures up for the day.

ChenNing & Me.

Really familiar toilet, aye?

I love ballet so much I wanna quit school!

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